What are slips used for?

What are slips used for?

This is an ever expanding list of ways that slips can be worn! 

Slips are great to improve the hang or line of a dress. They can prevent dresses or other garments from clinging to tights or undergarments.
Protect your outer garment
Slips can protect more delicate garments from rub or exposure against your skin and also from perspiration.
Sheer dress
Slips can be used if you are wearing sheer dress.
Extra aspect
Slips can add an additional aspect to an outfield. People will often have part of their slips be visible such as the hem.
Slips don't have to be just practical, they are commonly worn as negligee.
Sleep wear
Slips can be worn as sleep wear. 
Pre party wear
You can wear your slips while you get ready, while you dry your hair or do your make up. 
Base layer
Slips can be worn as an additional layer for warmth.
Contemporary outerwear
While slips are traditionally worn underneath other clothes, folks will wear slips as outerwear.
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